All Home Fragrance Products

At SHIORA, we are dedicated to creating a range of natural and pure aromatherapy creations to bring you the sensory enjoyment and relaxation that you can relish. The ingredients we use are thoughtfully curated with you in our minds so that we understand what you truly need.
  1. Limited Edition Scent Customisation
  1. The best reed diffuser sticks are made of rattan, which is not hollow but has several channels inside the stem. It is these channels that suck the fragrance oil from the bottle that slowly permeates the room with wonderful scents.
    55% off
  1. The best reed diffuser sticks are made of rattan, which is not hollow but has several channels inside the stem. It is these channels that suck the fragrance oil from the bottle that slowly permeates the room with wonderful scents.
    55% off
  1. shiora planet collection venus rain scent reed diffuser package
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  1. shiora planet collection martian bergamot scent reed diffuser package
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  1. shiora planet collection mercury honey scent reed diffuser package
    34% off
  1. shiora planet collection saturn icefall scent reed diffuser package
    34% off
  1. shiora planet collection jupiter spice scent reed diffuser package photo
    34% off
  1. shiora planet collection moon jasmine scent reed diffuser package
    34% off
  1. shiora planet collection solar caramel scent reed diffuser package
    34% off
  1. shiora planet collection neptune hickory scent reed diffuser package
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  1. lemongrass skinsafe essential oil roll-on box
  1. peppermint skinsafe essential oil roll-on box
  1. lavender skinsafe essential oil roll-on box
  1. eucalyptus skinsafe essential oil roll-on package
  1. Eucalyptus produces a fresh, clean, and airy aroma that is woody and coniferous. It is a great cleansing and purifying agent when mixed with bath salts, that can help to clean away dirt while fighting existing skin infections. It is also a popular remedy as an antiseptic that is effective against treating cuts, burns, abrasions, scrapes, and blisters.
    45% off
  1. Lavender produces a camphorated and soothing scent that has many therapeutic effects, making it a popular essential oil in aromatherapy. Apart from relieving stress and anxiety, this fragrant oil is also the ideal essential oil for your nighttime routine. It is also commonly used to treat ailments with its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties.
    45% off
  1. Lemongrass pure essential oil produces a mild, sweet, and citrus-like aroma with earthy undertones. Simply drip the essential oil into an oil diffuser or vaporizer and you can feel the fatigue leaving your body. The calming and soothing scent of lemongrass can also rid you of stress and headaches.
    45% off